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Season 2 Episode 3: Crystal Healing

Writer's picture: earlofdestinyearlofdestiny

Take a look at this chart:

You'll notice that it is actually the periodic table of elements displayed in such a way as to map out the vibrational Hz frequencies of the elements. Every thing, living and non living is made of vibration. The sacred geometric shapes that make up every detail down to atoms and expended into the universe are created from sound or vibration.

Watch this video on You Tube:

If the formation of the universe is made of vibrational patterns creating the physical world in which we live and interact, it only makes sense to me that staying in close proximity to things that resonate at frequencies we want our body to match would be helpful in our healing.

This is the science behind Crystal healing. The color, element, and sound of the crystal can help support the intentions we have toward alignment with our Higher Self.

Emotions are ENERTY IN MOTION. In Power Vs. Force, a collection of people muscle tested for Energy Levels, numbers assigned to calibrated levels resonating in the body, of certain emotions. This presented a favoritism to Higher Levels of Energy or Higher Frequencies. The highest being Enlightenment or Authenticity at 700-1000. Love was not far from that. at 500. Lowest vibrating or Energy Level emotion was Shame at 20. Apathy only reached as far as 50 on the scale. It stands to reason that the highest energy levels would resonate closes to the source of that energy. Thus, SOURCE can be thought of as GOD or the creator. If we resonate at 350 (Acceptance) or at 540 for Joy, we are essentially resonating at a level of energy closer to GOD (aka Source). Imagine a smooth and still surface of water. When a single touch happens, the waves roll out high and fast from the center, but become low and stretched as it moves outward in a circle.

Certain crystals have a vibrational power to help in certain aspects of healing. I give some examples on this episode, but I encourage clients and interested participants to go to a crystal shop or outdoor space and find something that calls to you. Your intuition can already be a powerful tool in selecting the right item for your needs. I have purchased or taken home rocks or geodes or crystals on the sole reason that it "called to me" or really needed to come home with me.

I also encourage anyone participating in Crystal healing to search for ethically sourced materials, not farmed out of an oppressive relationship with the cultures of where it came from. You might find that the most powerful items can be found in your own landscape.

In healing sessions with my clients, whether we are doing Reiki session or IPT, I like to offer a muscle testing advised crystal or Bach Flower Essence to aide in support of their healing session. I send them instructions on how, what, and why to use that particular support.

When owning crystals, they require care. You must cleanse or charge the crystals to their original power, that they won't hold the frequency of the person or people that have been in contact with it. I recommend a few ways to do this, such as: burying it in the earth and leaving it for a day or week, setting it out in the light of the moon (full moon is best), or cleansing it in water (only if it isn't going to corrode the crystal), and setting it on Selenite for a period of time. Selenite is a self-cleansing crystal and will cleanse anything it comes into contact with, wiping away any energetic fingerprints.

Other Resources:

  • The Crystal Healer: Crystal Prescriptions That Will Change Your Life Forever

by Phillip Permutt

  • The Ultimate Guide to Chakras: The Beginner's Guide to Balancing, Healing, and Unblocking Your Chakras for Health and Positive Energy

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