Among mystics and psychologists and going back to ancient times, we've questioned the purpose or implications of our dreams. Sometimes nonsensical and completely irrational, sometimes forgotten the moment we wake up, sometimes they feel so real and profound they almost certainly have to be prophetic. Whatever your personal relationships to your dreams, the work of interpreting them is within you.
Many subconscious symbols of objects or animals carry significance cross culturally. In this episode you will see such tools as Dream Dictionary or the resources on animal symbolism that can be useful or helpful when stuck. This is useful to me when a client is doing an Emotional Process and isn't sure why a particular symbol or image has come to mind. This is when my role as a facilitator is only to make a suggested proposal and see if the meaning behind these symbols sparks the client to engage with the interpretation or decide of they resonate with the meaning offered.
However, I find it most effective when I can get the client to uncover their own personal meaning behind the object or symbol. This is the case when interpreting dreams. I hesitate to enlist in working with any "Light Workers", mystic, mediums, psychics, or healers that offer to interpret your dreams for you and offer a complete message from Spirit or the Beyond that the client plays little part in. I believe the work of a Priestess or Empowerment Midwife, Healing facilitator, is to guide and facilitate the answers from the depths of your own subconscious.
To illustrate this, I offer a real-life Dream Interpretation session by a volunteer, Corrina. She is a neighbor of mine, met only through a Facebook Page of local moms. I had only talked to her for 5 minutes before the recording and had permission to release this session as an example. In this session, you hear Corrina describe a dream she has had frequently and feels confident it has a deeper meaning or message meant for her to uncover. I only listen, write down key points and phrases. Then, I ask her to associate those symbols with the meaning she personally holds for them. It is sort of like a game of Mad Libs. As I retell the dream story back to her, substituting the objects, symbols and animals for the meanings they hold for her, she can decipher where the meaning comes from.
As someone who works in the Healing world, it is my job to empower others and encourage their own sovereignty of their body, mind and soul. In the Dream Dictionary, I may be able to decipher a cultural or collective agreed meaning of the Orca she describes. However the interpretation will be more powerful and meaningful for her to associate the meaning of the Orca whale herself.
Animal Speak by Ted Andrews
Dream Dictionary: A to Z Guide to Understanding Your Unconscious Mind by Tony Crisp
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