In this part of the 2 part episode, we travel down the Timeline of notable Witch Trials to the most infamous of American History (thanks to the Crucible), the Salem Witch Trials. Every witchy mystic on this side of the pond is staking a claim at being a reincarnated Salem Witch. In my case, it is true. Alice Parker was not one of the key players or most remembered, she was in the last few of those to be executed. It seems she just must have gotten roped into the whole thing as the accusers were running out of people to hang. (See previous episode and post for the details). However, it took quite a number of years for the Massachusetts state to exonerate these women and men. The last of the trials ended around 1693. Not until 1957 did legislators issue and apology to the accused. It wasn't until 2001 that five women were exonerated for their crimes. Alice Parker was one of the last names to receive peace after the memorial was constructed in 2017. The last, 2022 was Elizabeth Johnson Jr. to be recognized and name officially cleared.
In this part 2, you will hear some of the stories and notable figures to be recognized in this particular period in our country's dark history. The most important take-away from these stories of women accused of witchcraft, the list of reasons these women were suspicious or evidence against them in trial:
*Being Poor
*Having visited someone's house just before they got sick.
*Openly criticizing someone in public (especially a man).
*Having opinions
*Being Rude, Odd, loud
*Having an illegitimate child
*Having or performing an abortion (this can be any birth control herbs)
*Knowledge of herbal medicines
*Wearing clothing that is outside of social or economic class
*Being in an estate, inheritance or land dispute
*Being an orphan
*Being old
*Not attending church or having legitimate membership in the church
*Attending church too much.
*Having afflictions or illness and suddenly getting better.
*Fostering a Quaker child when their parent's have died.
*Having a Lover
*Being from Maine (after the French an Indian War there were refugees from Maine)
*Being a widow
*Having a name.
When someone is accused they will be brought into jail or holding cell in very poor conditions. Many died of malnourishment and illness in these damp conditions before they were even put on trial or executed. They would be examined. This means that civilians would inspect their naked bodies for "Witch's Marks" that folklore tells us is a mark of the Devil indicating their commitment to evil witchcraft. The marks were also called "Witch's Teet" where they fed their Familiars. An examination also meant being brought before the judges or counsel and having to answer questions. These were never nonbiased questioning, it was always worded something like "How long have you been in congress with the Devil?"
In all my research of witch trials of England, France, Scotland and other Northern European countries, there were very few in Ireland and Wales that were instigated by locals. Why so few from these Celtic hold-outs? Less affected by the Romans or the English? Their folklore around the Fae may give us a clue. They were more likely to seek the magical wise woman for remedies, herbs, charms, and spells for PROTECTION against the mischievous Fae Folk. Progressive laws determining that woman were not the property of their father and brothers. Their folklore and mythology provide proof that woman’s rights and consent was required. In this episode you hear me recount the summary of the story of Branwen from the Mabanogi as evidence that Welsh law was a tiny bit more progressive with women's rights.
In the Caliban and the Witch, author Silvia Federici is determined to prove that woman are marked and killed as witches just when they are gaining power, influence, and independence of men and when they need to be put back in their place. Our society runs on the free labor of women to reproduce and run societies. She states that as the Feudalism systems evolved into Capitalism, our societies needed free or cheap labor the thrive and so it cannot exist without sexist and racist beliefs. The labors and duties became monetized, therefore sexualized and divided to make the men's duties paid and the women's domestic duties free labor. When a woman becomes too outspoken, strong, empowered, or tries to close the wage gap, a Witch Trial is a perfect opportunity to put HER back in her place as a subservient underclass.
Want to become an activist for feminism? Pay woman for their work. Allow them opportunities to be financially independent of men. Education, equal pay, and appreciate their unseen and unpaid labor. Support women in business, especially if they are still contributing the domestic duties of being the primary parent in the household. If you are a woman, DON’T WORK ON JUNE 24TH (it worked in Iceland!)
I leave you with this, Are we done? Do Witch Trials or their equivalent still happen in modern times? Consider the view of Communism in the MacArthur trials in 1940s American history. Personally, I find that the PAY GAP , that professions dominated by women (teaching and nursing) still not being paid a livable wage is evidence of our society keeping women in their place. My work as a Energy Healer, Educator, Priestess, and Witch is an incredibly hard market to tap into and monetize or allow me to make a wage that would support myself without my husband's income. Any consumers that support me by paying for workshops and services help combat the discrepancy. Small business owners in any profession rise above expectations and make ends meet when we can have a healthy exchange of energy input and output. If I own the title of Witch or Priestess as a profession and calling, am I going to be supported as much as private Tax Consultant? I have been discriminated against in my own community when I am not allowed to read Tarot at Live Daybreak events because it falls under “divisive” in their rules. I'm sorry, and Country musicians playing at the events isn't?
I leave you with this excellent quote by Paulo Coelho: “a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn’t afraid of chasing challenges.”
Well if that's all it is, CALL ME A WITCH ANY DAY!
To watch and listen to this episode: