On this episode, I invited Rachel Taylor, an Intuitive Reminder, Personal Soul Alignment Coach, and fellow Daybreak Mom. She homeschools 4 kids ages 16, 14, 10, and 7. She describes her work: "I do my best to walk the paths my heart leads me to so my kids can see it done and follow their own."
She is currently creating her website and an online soul alignment community where people will come together to remember and strengthen their knowing of Who They Are and Who They Want to Become.
I started with a quick retelling of the Folk Story of Vasalisa. I encountered this story with a cameo appearance of one of my favorite Witches, Baba Yaga. There is a version of it in the book Circle Round. In any version, the story tells like a Scandinavian version of Cinderella with an evil stepmother and stepsisters. Some would argue that they aren't evil, but that they all had to endure the test of strength and worthiness through the tasks they ask Vasalisa to encounter. In all versions she has a doll, given to her by her mother on her deathbed to replace the absence of a Mother's guidance in her life. She is instructed that the doll be kept in her pocket and fed her meal scraps. The doll will guide her. As Vasalisa has to test her bravery and endure hardships, the doll guides and assists her along the way. We like to imagine that this is symbolic of the gift of intuition all of us are born to and advised to listen as we travel the unknowable adventures of our lives.
Rachel uses intuition to guide questions that will spark a connection with intuition in her clients. Our work is very similar in that we both feel more comfortable with the title of "Guide" or "Facilitator" than "Healer". It implies we do the healing, when actually we are helping clients discover the connection to their own Higher Self and the Intuitive gifts we all possess.
Rachel recounted her journey of discovery started with a transition from her traditional faith and following to listening to the voice of God as she came to understand it. She aptly calls this Higher Power, LOVE. When we tap into the true meaning of Self Love, anything is possible. We are taught in religious doctrine that love is earned and proven. Most people feel a searching in their soul for something that feels more authentic and unconditional.
We are both mothers to young children and our path to seeking started with wanting something more true for our children in empowering them to find intuition. I admit, I struggle to do this on the regular, but I give myself and A for effort and recognition of it.
Intuition is part of Emotional Intelligence. It can be learned, developed, practiced, and brings us more success in every facade of our lives if we do so. It is a spiritual practice, learning to trust in LOVE or our own Higher Power to guide us. Trusting that our Higher, most Authentic Self will have a connection to that power and guidance. In raising our intuitive gifts, we are going to be more self aware, heal disconnection in our relationships, and practice compassion for Self and others. We can truly see ourselves and others with the unconditional LOVE.
Rachel and I talk about our work and passion with Emotional and Energy Healing as a vocation of overcoming fear and accepting love. When a gut feeling is based in fear, we can't get out of our own way to understand the messages we are receiving. We help people discover where that fear starts and ends, where the love guides us. In IPT emotional process sessions with clients, I use a more rigid process and format to walk clients through. However, there is quite a bit of intuition involved as I facilitate. I listen, I respond as needed according to the client's story. I am careful to assess next steps that will empower clients to come to intuition themselves. The process of IPT is one of the best modalities I've experienced at getting to go back to the root of when fear overpowered love in our past.
It was a pleasure to talk with Rachel on a subject I am deeply proud to do my life's work and passion with.
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You can follow Rachel at Rachel Cox Taylor on Facebook and on Instagram at rachel_cox_taylor.